Using an Adoption Facilitator
A fairly unconventional, but very reliable, option available to you is to use an adoption facilitator. A “facilitator” is an individual who finds people babies for a fee (usually between $5,000 and $8,000). These facilitators are not licensed professionals. They are individuals, usually operating out of California with no credentials, who advertise all over the county and connect birthmothers with adoptive couples. I have had the occasion to work with many different couples who have used facilitators and achieved successful adoptions. The advantage for these couples was that the facilitator was able to match them with a birthmother fairly quickly, approximately 3 months. The disadvantage, however, was that the facilitator in California knew little about the birthmother (who was on the other side of the country) and not much more about the adoptive couple (who was also on a different side of the country). The key in a situation like this is finding a reputable social worker in the location where the birthmother lives, who can conduct a birthparent interview and assess the risks of the adoption. Locating a reputable adoption lawyer in the place where the birth mother lives would then be in order to coordinate the legal end of things. An adoption facilitator that you can contact is Lifetime Adoption.
Another Adoption Resource
Another adoption resource for people just beginning the adoption process is Adoption Information Services, an educational resource center located in Atlanta, Georgia. You can retain their services for $2,800 to help you through the entire adoption process. Adoption Information Services is designed to short cut the maze of adoption information available to you; help find the right adoption agency which fits your needs; help design a parent profile; and answer any questions that you may have along the way to your goal of becoming adoptive parents. Adoption Information Services website.
I hope that you will get in touch with me when you are at the point in your adoption process where you need legal assistance. For couples who want my help in matching with a birthmother, please contact me.